I can not believe this boy is 4 and 1/2 already. He seems so big and grown up, yet he still so little and innocent. His heart is pure gold! This boy is sweet and thoughtful yet active and athletic. A ball has always been his favorite toy (especially if a golf club goes with it). Yet as he is getting older I am loving seeing his creative side come out! He can build legos now for hours and is quite good at it. And he would let you read him Magic Tree House books for days if you would (we limit him to two chapters a night!).
Did I mention what a love bug he is? This boy adores his "baby"as he still calls her, even though she's two and tough! Sure they have their fighting moments, but he knows he's bigger and his job is to ultimately protect her. I love it! I love seeing him nurture and care for her. I love watching him teach her. I can't wait to see him as a big brother to two little bitties.
The best thing though about this boy is he loves Jesus! He won't let you skip his Bible stories at night and he asks great questions about everything. His recent interest is heaven. He wants to know if we will have bodies when we get there and if we will know each other. He was very concerned he wouldn't know us when we were all in heaven. Oh and another funny from him... when I asked him about the name Noah for "new baby", he told me we already knew a Noah. I asked who and he said "the one in the Bible!". So I explained to him that lots of people use the Bible to pick out baby names. He pondered this for a moment and then exclaimed "I have the perfect name for the baby...... Ezekiel!!". I loved it because Ezekiel is polar opposite from any name I would ever pick and he was so serious! Gracious this boy is cute!
We sure do love him too! Oh! Noah was on my list but got nixed b/c it's our neighbor's name! Hmmmm...Ezekiel, he's really thinking about that one! Cute!
I have to agree...your son is a cutie patootie! Both of your kids are absolutely gorgeous. I love to hear the funny things that come out of their little mouths at this age. When Tyler (now 9) was about 3 yrs. old he told me he would really miss me. When I asked where I was going he said "Heaven. God needs you." I am glad I am still here to tell that story - but glad also that Tyler knows I'm going ot heaven:)
Ezekiel is a cool name. I just had a friend name her son that. They call him Zeke....
Thank you so much! We obviously think they are both pretty great...but I'm biased! that is a great story about your son! so cute!
Ezekiel is a cool name but we defintely tend to lean towards more traditional/ old fashion names. Besides I have two boys names that have family history behind them saved up!
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