Monday, November 9, 2009

two months old

Each of my kids have a special friend that they sleep with. Bubbie has "monkey", Sass has "bunny" and now bubba bear has "mr. giraffe". Mr. Giraffe is going to help us see how Bubba bear grows each month! Look how he has changed already!
1 month old!

2 months old!

Bubba bear's 2 month appointment was last week. He was 11.6 lbs (70%ile) and 24 inches long (90%ile), a perfect string bean!He is super smiley now right after he eats. He is gotten into a good routine of eating, being up about an hour and then napping until his next meal which occurs every three hours right now. He takes his last feeding of the day around 9pm and then sleeps until 3ish and then hopefully until 7ish, although the second stretch of sleep is never as solid and peaceful as the first. We have just moved up to 3-6 month clothes, though some of our 3 months still fit, mr. long boy is too long for a lot of it now! We finally started his vaccines this visit too. We declined Hep B in the hospital so he hadn't had anything yet and we are doing a delayed schedule so this visit he got the first dose of rotateq and his DTAP. We will go back in a month or so for another vaccine.

For comparison to his siblings; Bubbie was a whopping 15lbs and 24 1/2 inches at 2 months and Sass was 11.9 lbs and 23 1/4 inches at 9 and 1/2 weeks. And before you are too impressed that I actually know this I will share my secret.... When I was pregnant with bubbie a friend gave me a great medical journal at one of my showers. I took it to each of his dr visits and recorded all the important info in it such as stats and vaccines received. I also would write my questions for the dr in it ahead of time so I didn't forget to ask him anything and I tried to record milestones in it. It's the closest thing to a baby book my kids have! I then googled it when pregnant with Sass and ordered her one. The one they have is no longer in print I discovered while pregnant this time around, but there is a new edition which I ordered for Bubba bear and his soon to arrive cousin. This is one of my favorite gifts to give now! I can only find them on amazon, so check it out if you are interested!

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1 comment:

Tracey said...

Great pictures!! We do delay vaccinations too :)