Thursday, August 19, 2010

what mom does......

apparently she doesn't wash clothes, cook meals, pack lunches and read stories. she plays bunco. with a drink in hand. which was illustrated for his teacher at a small christian school. great. sure i made a great first impression. oh and now i'm 44 (or so he thinks, but is not quite sure).

thanks for the laugh bubbie. i will save this one forever.

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The Deakins said...

oh yes, I asked Turner today while waiting in line to drop him off at school and he said he thought I was 50!!! I wanted to cry!!!

Alex said...

LOL - Such an awesome blog! :-) I love it -- great post! Come check out my blog. If you like it, I would super appreciate it with all of my heart if you (and anyone else that drops by) would become a follower.

