Tuesday, July 7, 2009

cloth diapering on a budget

While cloth diapering can save you thousands over the long run versus the cost of disposables, the intial investment can be kind of steep. Depending on if you go the cheapest route of prefolds and covers or the more expensive route of pockets and AIO's or onesize diapers, you can easily layout several hundred dollars right up front, but then you are done! You're investment will have been made and if you can keep yourself from getting addicted to buying new diapers, you can save a lot of money.

Here are some of my money saving tips:

1. Sign up for newsletters, join Facebook groups and follow the brands you like on Twitter

You will get great coupon codes and discounts by doing these things. This is the way I essentially find out about all my sales that I post. You can get free shipping and great discounts by doing this. You also may luck out and get to be a tester for new products by doing these things!

2. Shop the seconds sales!

Seconds usually have minor defects that prevent them from being sold as first quality. The defects can vary from crooked stitching, the wrong color snaps and discontinued colors. This is a great way to stock up on good diapers cheap. My two favorite seconds shops are the Thirsties Outlet and the Swaddlebees outlet (which sells SB's and Blueberrys). Their e newsletters will usually tell you when they are stocking the outlet! I know CottonBabies tends to sell Bumgenius seconds, but I never seem to get there in time!

3. Buy used.

Okay, I know that at first this sounds gross. But this is really a great way to try out new brands with out making a huge investment. And put it this way, if you used a diaper service (which so many of our mamas did), I can guarantee you that they didn't return you (or your mama) the exact same diapers week by week. I just do some extra sterilization to these dipes when I get them. You do have to be careful that you know what you are getting. Ask lots of questions and look very carefully at pictures and the persons feedback, but you can save a ton of money this way! The two site I tend to sell/buy off of are The Cloth Diaper Swap board on Babycenter.com ( You have to request to become a member of this one) and Diaperswappers.com (really watch who you buy from on this one, I sell here more than buy). I also try to sell/swap with friends and have even thought about listing diapers here for my readers.

4. Resell Diapers

If you buy good cloth diapers you will be amazed at the resell value on them. As Sass has outgrown diapers or I have purchased ones I don't love I have resold them and used the money to then buy new diapers. If you take good care of your diapers you should be able to resell them for at least 50% of what you paid for them, if not more depending on the brand and popularity of the diaper.

5. Look for good deals on green blogs.

I find a lot of good deals on mommy blogs I read, so be on the lookout! I recently posted a great deal on g diapers where you can get 6 covers with snap in liners for $40. One cover normally sells for $18.99 so this is a huge steal! These are the kinds of things you need to watch for to stock up and save when the sales are good! (By the way, that deal is good until the end of the month, use code: g1378swanson at check out. Only good on the everyday g's 6 pack!)

Leave me a comment if you have any other great tips!

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Katie said...

Don't forget the gently used section at Jillian's Drawers and craigslist. Hmmm....I'll keep thinking.

Hyperactive Lu said...

Thanks for this post! Great links and ideas! I'm still debating and I'm a pretty cheap diaper buyer! Right now I don't spend more than $13 a month for diapers for Peanut. I know once the newest one arrives, that won't be the case any longer, but still debating on the time it'll take to wash 2 little boy's diapers vs. maybe an extra nap or getting dinner made! :)

You're expecting, aren't you? Do you plan on cloth diapering baby no 3?